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New Book By Researchware Cofounder

HandbookOfEmergentTechResearchware cofounder, Dr. Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber's new book, "The Handbook of Emergent Technologies in Social Research", is now available. In addition to being a cofounder of Researchware, Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber is Professor of Sociology at Boston College and the author or editor of numerous books, including: The Cult of Thinness 2E (OUP 2006), Working Women in America: Split Dreams 2E (OUP 2004), Feminist Perspectives in Social Research (OUP 2004), Approaches to Qualitative Research (OUP 2004), and Feminist Approaches to Theory and Methodology (OUP 1999). The 784 page Hardback edition provides in-depth examples of how specific emergent technologies are practiced within both disciplinary and interdisciplinary environments as well as examines the costs and benefits of utilizing new technologies on the research process as well as the potential misuse of these techniques for methods practices. Details on the book can be found here.

HyperRESEARCH Sheds Light on How Autistics Establish and Maintain Friendships

In a paper submitted to the Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities journal, authors Leslie S. Daniel, PhD and Bonnie S. Billingsley, EdD utilized HyperRESEARCH for their study which, according to the authors, "is designed for qualitative data and analyzed through reading, labeling, developing themes, writing, and participant validation."

Read more: HyperRESEARCH Sheds Light on How Autistics Establish and Maintain Friendships

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