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HyperRESEARCH aids exploration of Racial Identity and Body Image

Researchware Cofounder, Dr. Sharlene Hesse-Biber, along with co-authors Stacey Livingstone, Daniela Ramirez, Emily Brooke Barko and Alicia Lorene Johnson, explore "Racial Identity and Body Image Among Black Female College Students Attending Predominately White Colleges", an article accepted for publication in Sex Roles and currently available "Online First" here.

Read more: HyperRESEARCH aids exploration of Racial Identity and Body Image

Integrating Software Development Methodologies using HyperRESEARCH

Brian David Fox utilized HyperRESEARCH for his qualitative study that was the basis of his Masters of Science in Computer Science thesis from the University of Calgary. The thesis, entitled "Agile Methods and User-Centered Design: How These Two Methodologies are Being Integrated in Industry" reveals approaches and pitfalls in the combining of AGILE and User-Centered Design methodologies for software development.

Read more: Integrating Software Development Methodologies using HyperRESEARCH

HyperRESEARCH used in Honors Dissertation for Public Relations on Police-Media Relations

Nicholas Philip Cloke selected HyperRESEARCH for his Honors Dissertation in Public Relations for the Bournemouth Media School of Bournemouth University. With the subject being "Confidence and willingness: An investigation into police-media relations" the research is relevant to law enforcement and media reporters everywhere.

Read more: HyperRESEARCH used in Honors Dissertation for Public Relations on Police-Media Relations

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