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Researchware, Inc.

Simply Powerful Tools for Qualitative Research

Mixed Methods International Research Association Inaugural Conference 2014

“Coming at Things Differently”

Challenges, Advances and Diversity
Within and Across Mixed Methods Research Communities

June 27-29, 2014
Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA


Please join Researchware for the Mixed Methods International Research Association's inaugural conference, held at Boston College this June!

The conference will be a great opportunity to share ideas, along with research practices and findings surrounding Mixed Methods Research (MMR). MMIRA will provide a venue to explore and expand the conversation about what mixed methods is, simply by learning more about the diversity that lies within the mixed methods research community.

This year’s conference theme is “Coming at Things Differently.” And what better way to do that than to learn from others practices and findings via paper presentations, roundtable discussions, and panel discussions.

Researchware will be exhibiting at MMIRA 2014, and also presenting a workshop on qualitative data analysis, mixed methods, and theory building in HyperRESEARCH.

Researchware Booth 

Researchware will be exhibiting at MMIRA 2014. We love to meet our customers, so bring a fellow researcher and stop by our booth to say hello!


Post-Conference Workshop

Sunday June 29th is a post-conference day for hands-on workshops. Researchware co-founder Paul Dupuis will host an introductory workshop on conducting qualitative and mixed methods research using HyperRESEARCH software for data analysis. Researchware staff will provide individual help to participants as needed. For details, see our event listing on the MMIRA website (Workshop #6):


Submit a Paper!

We also invite you to help this inaugural conference represent a wide variety of research methods and research by submitting your own work to be presented in a 15-minute Paper Presentation or a Roundtable Presentation. Roundtables are interactive presentations for students, junior, and accomplished researchers to present their mixed method research proposals and projects in various phases of completion to an audience of peers, colleagues, and experts — and receive feedback!

Please visit the MMIRA Abstract Submissions page for detailed information on how to submit a paper. The deadline for abstract submission is March 30.


Learn More

Please visit the Mixed Methods International Research Association's website to learn more about the MMIRA, and to join.

For more information on the inaugural conference, MMIRA inaugural conference information

We hope to see you there!



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