Welcome to Researchware's Event list. This section offers both Researchware events, such as our popular webinar series, along with general events of interest to our community, such as professional conferences involving qualitative research.
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Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research and Theory Building Using HyperRESEARCH (MMIRA Workshop)
This hands-on workshop costs only $90 to attend, and will be held the day after the Mixed Methods Research Association's inaugural conference.
Please join Researchware co-founder Paul Dupuis in a hands-on exploration of the HyperRESEARCH software for qualitative and mixed methods research. The curriculum will lead you through the process of conducting qualitative and mixed methods research, from preparing your data in advance of coding to building and testing your theories.
Topics include working with various source types (text, audio, video, images, and mixed-method data sets); organizing your data using HyperRESEARCH "cases" to represent your units of analysis; creating and applying codes; finding and autocoding themes in source data; creating memos and annotations; mapping your codes; code retrieval and reporting; and iterative code refinement and theory building. You will also explore the various plug-in Tools available for HyperRESEARCH, including the Coverage Map, Frequency Report, Intercoder Ratings, Mixed Methods Importer, Word Counter, and more.
Participants may bring a laptop (Mac/Win) to follow along using provided software and sample files (this is optional). Researchware staff will be on hand to answer any questions, including questions specific to your own research and data.
Paul Dupuis is a co-founder of Researchware, developers of HyperRESEARCH™ and HyperTRANSCRIBE™ software for qualitative research. Paul has been involved with the field of qualitative research and with Researchware since its inception in 1991.
For more information, please visit the 2014 Mixed Methods International Research Association Workshop Series web page.