If there's a problem with the order process, how do I get it resolved?
We have partnered with Kagi to provide a smooth shopping cart experience when ordering Researchware products online. If you encounter any difficulties with the ordering process, you may contact Kagi's Shopper Support staff for assistance:
Get in touch by email: Send Kagi a message
Kagi Phone Support:
Call +1-510-658-5244, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:30pm, PST
Kagi's Online Order Tracking System: Click here to look up details of your order.
If you are not satisfied with Kagi's support, please contact Researchware Sales Support staff online, via email, or by phone.
Note: If you're having a problem installing or using HyperRESEARCH or HyperTRANSCRIBE, please contact Researchware's Technical Support instead. Kagi can assist only with the actual order and payment process.