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Researchware, Inc.

Simply Powerful Tools for Qualitative Research

Researchware cofounder at the 8th ICQI

The Eight International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry will take place at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign from Wednesday, May 16 to Saturday, May 19, 2012 with the theme of “Qualitative Inquiry as Global Endeavor”. Researchware cofounder Dr. Sharlene Hesse-Biber will be attending and would be happy to answer any questions you may have about Researchware's Simply Powerful Tools for Qualitative Research. Dr. Hesse-Biber is a member of the External Advisory Board for the ICQI and a member of the Pre-Coference Organization for Mixed Methods (along with John Creswell and Burke Johnson). Please feel free to catch her before or after her many events:

Wednesday, May 16th:
She is a co-organizer of the “Day in Mixed Methods” (along with John Creswell and Burke Johnson)
She is leading a discussion on three papers in a session called "Crossing Technology Divides", in room 404 Union from 1:30-2:30pm
She is a co-organizer of the Invited Plenary Session: Qualitative Approaches to Mixed Methods Research: Prospects and Issues, in Illini Room A from 2:45-3:45pm as well as the author of one of the papers discussed in that session.
She is the author/presenter of a paper in the session on Mixed Methods Pedagogy & the Praxis of Difference Research in Illini Room A from 4:00-5:00pm
She is a panelist on the Closing Plenary: Invited Panel, “What We Have Learned, and Where are We Going?”, Illini Room A from 5:15-6:00pm

Thursday, May 17th
She is giving a workshop on "Mixed and Emergent Methods Workshop" from 8:30–11:30am

Saturday, May 19th
She is presenting in the Plenary Session: "Debating the Digital Future of Qualitative Research: The Handbook of Emergent Technologies in Social Research" on Saturday from 9:30-10:50 in 407 Union

For more information on the conference, please see our events listing.

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