HyperRESEARCH Explores the Use of Blogs as a Tool to Promote Teaching Goals
In the article "Using Blogs as a Technology Tool to Promote Teaching Goals in Education" the authors, Pauline Stonehouse, Jared Keengwe and Cynthia Shabb, used HyperRESEARCH software to analyze and code their data. The article appeared in the January-March 2012 issue of the International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (Volume 8 issue 1, pp 44-52).
According to the abstract "this qualitative study explored graduate students’ use of blogs to support the achievement of teaching and learning goals. Blog postings and comments were analyzed and coded with the aid of HyperRESEARCH qualitative data analysis software. Once the blogs were coded, themes emerged from the data. The blogs were found to function in an integrated manner as a forum for students to engage other learners in discipline-specific conversations, espouse theory, reflect on professional and academic experience, and cogitate. Study results demonstrate the potential for blog technology to enhance the development of higher order thinking skills."
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