Cofounder Earns Sage Press's Most Downloaded Article

"Qualitative Approaches to Mixed Methods Practice" by Dr. Sharlene Hesse-Biber, a cofounder of Researchware, Inc. was presented by Sage Press online before appearing in print in the July 2010 (Vol. 16, No. 6, pp 455-468) issue of Qualitative Inquiry. We proud to congratulate our colleague on the article which has become Sage's "most downloaded article in 2010 in this journal (of all articles published in 2009 and 2010)."
The article "discusses how methodological practices can shape and limit how mixed methods is practiced and makes visible the current methodological assumptions embedded in mixed methods practice that can shut down a range of social inquiry" through the use of a series of engaging case studies.
The abstract for the article can be viewed here and the full PDF can be freely viewed and downloaded here. We join Sage Press in congratulating our colleague on the success of her research.