HyperRESEARCH overcomes Research Challanges
Walden University contantly seeks to raise the bar on excellence in research and offers valuable guidance on engaging in research in an article by Deirdre Schwiesow form their Alumni Magazine entitled "7 Research Challanges (And how to overcome them)." In this article, the author interviewed members of Walden University's Faculty and Alumni to reveal how they got past the most difficult research roadblocks. Research challanges from Choosing the Right Topic to Dealing With Your Data are discussed.
In Dealing With Your Data, the final challange of knowing how to make sense of the data you've collected is reflected upon by, among others, Dr. Ronald Paige ’07, Ph.D. in Education. Dr. Paige was faced with 900-plus pages of transcribed stories from the interviews he conducted. In his advice to take advantage of technology, he states “The key thing in qualitative research is looking for patterns, and that’s where having a software program—I used one called HyperRESEARCH—was invaluable. I couldn’t have done it without that.”
The full article can be viewed on line here.