Concerns of Caregivers to Brain Injured Siblings revealed with HyperRESEARCH
In the Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp 240-250 (Jul 2008), Charles Edmund Degeneffe and Marjorie F. Olney of San Diego State University present the findings of their HyperRESEARCH based qualitative study in "Future Concerns of Adult Siblings of Persons With Traumatic Brain Injury."
The authors note in the abstract that "This study examined future concerns conveyed by adult siblings who provided regular caregiving support to their brothers and sisters with traumatic brain injury (TBI). The authors surveyed a national sample of 280 adult siblings of persons with TBI. Using a constant comparative approach to text analysis, the authors analyzed responses to the question "What are your concerns regarding the future for your sibling with TBI?" Common themes of such concerns were related to the caregiving siblings' roles as future caregivers and their perceptions of the quality of professional care provided to their injured family members. Also, participants endorsed concerns for their injured siblings' independence, recovery, and relationships with family and friends. Clinical, advocacy, and research implications of these findings are discussed." See the paper online here.