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Presidential Leadership Researched With HyperRESEACH

In the turbulent political times we live in, a better understanding of presidental leadership can only help create more informed and aware citizens. "Presidents of the United States on Leadership" by Dick M. Carpenter, II (University of Colorado), published in Leadership, Vol. 3, No. 3, 251-280 (2007), reports insights discovered using the simple, yet powerful, qualitative analysis features of HyperRESEARCH.

"This study analyzes US presidential statements on leadership since Franklin Roosevelt. Results indicate that presidents define leadership as visionary, goal oriented, moral, principles based, a responsibility, and a search for the common good. Such definitions typically involve the world of ideas and ideals, which seems to lean more toward a more passive leadership role. However, presidents frequently complement these definitions with discussions of what leaders do, clearly establishing leadership as active rather than passive. Such discussions most often focus on decision making in leadership and the necessity of persuasion to facilitate decisions once made. Finally, presidents emphasize the reciprocal nature of leadership and the necessity of collaboration in leading, particularly given the ultimate importance of and focus on people. This idea of leadership typifies a western/Anglo understanding of leadership not always consistent with other cultural definitions."

View this interesting study here.

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