Dear Ann,
Hello again! HyperRESEARCH is helping my research team analyze our qualitative data so well that we find ourselves in need of another license. I've included information below for the purchase.
Lisa Zickuhr, MD, MHPE
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Washington University School of Medicine
Thank you so much for your prompt response. I appreciate your support. I have successfully downloaded the HyperResearch upgrade and look forward to working with my students with this valuable research tool.
(and later that day)
Yes, Hyperresearch is working perfectly! I am grateful! I have recommended it to my colleagues.
(Received in response to a solution provided by Researchware's tech support): Thank you, thank you, thank you...I am so glad that in between panicking and crying, I took a moment to email your company for help. I thought it was a long shot. But I am so relieved. I really like the software. And I really like it even more now. Thank you. Also I thought I would have to wait for a response until Monday so I like the software and your company even more.
Again thank you.
Thanks again for such great service and for such an invaluable research tool. I started using it when I did my dissertation and now use it for all of my qualitative research work.
@ResearchWare software is awesome for coding! Very user friendly unlike Atlas.TI
I am loving this program so far and am so impressed with how quickly you have responded to my question.
Just had a wonderful customer service experience with Researchware. I had purchased HyperRESEARCH in 2006 for my dissertation. I am now returning to a follow-up study and my software is on an old laptop that is corrupted. I also couldn't access the email account from my former institution. I was really stuck and worried about shelling out $500 for entirely new software. I emailed customer services and quickly had an email with my former account access, link allowing me to download the product I had bought 7 years ago, and info on the benefits of upgrading if I wanted to, and an offer to combine my accounts. A quick response email also got me access to the holiday season discount before it was rolled out. I am now up and running again in less than a day with the upgraded/discounted new version. Great customer service!
Data wrangling has gotten less painful with #HyperResearch, and has made me fall in love with Excel all over again :)
I am so glad I made the switch from #NVIVO to #hyperresearch. Although index cards and floor space still preferred method for qual data
(to another Twitter user) by the way thanks for the heads up about HyperRESEARCH. I think I'm in love!!
Nach drei Minuten testen finde ich diese Software intuitiver als MaxQDA, Atlas.ti und Nvivo. ;)
Rough English translation: "Test after three minutes, I think this software is more intuitive than MaxQDA, Atlas.ti and NVivo. :)"
I find HyperTranscribe and HyperResearch intuitive oh and I LOVE that it's cross-platform... I am very happy with your product! ...I am so happy to have found a software package that allows me to start analyzing data right away rather than having to spend hours learning a software package. Cheers!
Finally getting a chance to use HyperRESEARCH on a qualitative data set. So nice and smooth! I'm loving it so far!
Truly enjoying my weekend of video coding with #HyperRESEARCH / Thanks, @ResearchWare ! #NotSarcasm
I have been very impressed with your software (as a former NVivo user) and am looking forward to using it more thoroughly for my critical discourse analysis. While I am one of the rare students not on Facebook, I have and will continue to recommend your software.
Thanks to the team at Researchware for all your help while I was completing my dissertation study. The dissertation went well, and while I only had seven subjects, there was a mountain of media data and HyperRESEARCH kept it all in context. I love the product.
Our university uses nVivo. I can't think why. HyperRESEARCH is much more user friendly.