HyperRESEARCH Reveals Ways to Increase Parent Involvement in Schools
"Parent Involvement in Urban Charter Schools: New Strategies for Increasing Participation" by Joanna Smith, Priscilla Wohlstetter, Chuan Ally Kuzan and Kris De Pedro, appears in the Spring/Summer 2011 issue of The School Community Journal (vol 21, no 1) by the Academic Development Institute (ADI). HyperRESEARCH provided the data management and analytical power for the study supporting this paper.
The authors note in their abstract that "Decades of research point to the benefits of parent involvement in education. However, research has also shown that White, middle-class parents are disproportionately involved. Charter schools, as schools of choice, have been assumed to have fewer involvement barriers for minority and low-income parents, but a 2007 survey of charter leaders found that parent involvement remains a significant challenge. This qualitative study utilizes Epstein's model of family involvement to examine parent involvement programs at twelve charter schools across six U.S. states. Findings suggest that parent involvement activities in the study sample of urban charter schools fit Epstein's typology fairly well. However, the strategies used to implement these activities and to attract hard-to-reach parents are fairly innovative: Study schools offered wrap-around services, incentives, and contracts to enhance and ensure participation; utilized technology for advertising parent volunteer opportunities; and involved parents in the decision-making and governance of the school. Overall, these strategies were linked with increasing parents' self-efficacy and comfort level in participating in their children's education."
The paper can be found online here or the full PDF downloaded here.