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Person Centered Planning for Disabled People studied with HyperRESEARCH

Audrey A. Trainor, of the University of Wisconsin, utilized HyperRESEARCH for her qualitative study of "Person-Centered Planning in Two Culturally Distinct Communities - Responding to Divergent Needs and Preferences" which appeared in the August 2007 issue of Career Development for Exceptional Individuals (vol. 30, no. 2, pp 92-103).

From the article abstract: "Person-centered planning (PCP) is a recommended practice in developing and implementing individualized futures plans of and by youth and adults with disabilities. Yet, little is known about the cultural responsiveness of PCP, a salient issue because values and beliefs about transition differ across and within groups. Community connectors, facilitators of futures planning in two culturally distinct areas (a Spanish-speaking, socioeconomically depressed urban area and a suburb of English-speaking people from middle- and uppersocioeconomic backgrounds), were interviewed regarding their implementation of Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope and their responses to the preferences, strengths, and needs of families. Person-centered planning was effective in addressing transition-related concerns and obstacles to collaboration identified by community connectors, who adapted this model to address perceived community needs."

The article can be found online here.

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