Welcome to Researchware's "Preview Editions" of upcoming Tools for HyperRESEARCH software for qualitative analysis!
What is a "HyperRESEARCH Tool?"
In HyperRESEARCH, Tools are files that you can add to HyperRESEARCH to add functionality to the software. These tools typically expand HyperRESEARCH's analytic capabilities, although . The Tools menu in HyperRESEARCH shows you all the tools available to you. The "standard" tools, those installed with HyperRESEARCH, are shown below:
- Frequency Report
- Mixed Methods Importer
- Report Builder
- Study Packager
- System Summary
- Word Counter
In addition to these tools, HyperRESEARCH 4.0.0 and up contain the following additional tools:
- Advanced Filters
- Intercoder Reliability
- Position Adjuster
If you are looking for any of these additional tools, please upgrade to the latest version of HyperRESEARCH.
What is a "Preview Edition?"
The Tools provided here have not yet been included in the HyperRESEARCH installer (i.e. they are not installed automatically with the software). These "Preview Editions" are functional Tools, but they are not yet "pretty" (typos and other cosmetic issues), may not be fully documented, and would benefit from feedback from customers using them "in the real world." While we test all Tools before providing them to HyperRESEARCH users, we can't test for every computer configuration or user workflow out there. By making these not-fully-polished Tools available, we can solicit feedback and user suggestions for improving these Tools prior to releasing them officially as part of HyperRESEARCH. Because they are not "polished," Preview Editions of our Tools are offered free of charge and "as is." (We do, however, offer free support for researchers using these Preview Editions, as that is an excellent way for us to determine where the tool needs improvement.)
Available Tools:
How Do I Add a Tool?
To install a tool:
- Download the desired tool(s)
- Place the tool file(s) (filename extension ".rwtl") in the "Tools" folder inside the HyperRESEARCH Components folder
- On Windows 11, 10, 8.x, or 7, the "Tools" folder can be found at C:\Program Files (x86)\HyperRESEARCH 4.7.5\Components\Tools
- On Apple macOS, the "Tools" folder can be found at /Applications/HyperRESEARCH 4.7.5/Components/Tools
- Start HyperRESEARCH -- If you have HyperRESEARCH open when you place the tool file in the Tools folder, please quit HyperRESEARCH and launch it again to load the new tool
Once you have placed the .rwtl file(s) in the Tools folder and started (or restarted) HyperRESEARCH, you will see the tool(s) under the Tools menu.
Updated Tools Available for HyperRESEARCH
Advanced Filters
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Advanced Filters | Version: 2.4.2 |
Description: The Advanced Filters tool has been updated over prior versions found in HyperRESEARCH 4.5.7 and earlier. This release of the tool addresses two edge-case (rare) problems the prior Advanced Filters tool had with the Concurrence filter (for co-occuring codes). These edge cases were: (1) In filtering for a list of codes using ANY 2+, if a single References has a matching code, that immediately followed a matching set, but whose Position was not matching and the code was not one found in the immediately prior matching set, it would be erroneously included in the Filter; (2) In filtering for a list of codes using ANY 1+, if the LAST Reference on a Case was matching, it would erroneously not be included in the filter. This version of the Advanced Filters tool corrects these two edge cases. We encourage any researchers to upgrade HyperRESEARCH to version 4.5.7 (if you have not already done so) and then update the Advanced Filters tool to this version in HyperRESEARCH 4.5.7. |
Download the Updated Advanced Filters Tool |
Frequency Report
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Frequency Report | Version: 7.0.3 |
Description: The Frequency Report tool has been updated over prior versions found in HyperRESEARCH 4.5.5 and earlier. This release of the tool addresses a problem the prior Frequency Report tool had in displaying the Table view for Studies with more than 300 (approximately) Cases. If you have a Study with close to or more than 300 Cases, you should download and update your copy of the Frequency Report tool. This version only works with HyperRESEARCH 4.5.5 (or higher) and is included with HyperRESEARCH 4.5.6 and above |
Download the Updated Frequency Report Tool |
Report Builder
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Report Builder | Version: 6.1.2 |
Description: The Report Builder tool has been updated over prior versions found in HyperRESEARCH 4.5.7 and earlier. This release of the tool addresses a problem the prior Report Builder tool had in exporting Reports to Microsoft Excel that contained a Vertical Tab (VT; ASCII 11). Vertical Tabs are used in some Word Processing programs for a hard line break in a paragraph, often by using ALT-RETURN (Windows) or OPTION-RETURN (macOS). VTs are not allowed in XLSX files. The VT could be added in HyperRESEARCH to an Annotation by pasting content that contained it from such a Word Processing tool. If you export a Table report to Excel and encounter an error trying to open the .XLSX file in Excel, please update your Report builder tool to this version. |
Download the Updated Report Builder Tool |
Preview Edition Tools Available for HyperRESEARCH
Concurrency Map
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Concurrency Map | Version: 1.0.2 |
Description: The Concurrency Map analyzes the coding of your text sources. It operates on the filtered cases and codes or all cases and codes as you select. Within whatever filter you may have applied, only code references for text sources are compared.Click the Count button to run the report. You list of codes is shown in both rows and columns of the table and each cell is the number of instances across you study where those codes are concurrent. The results may be exported to Excel via the Export button. This is a Preview Edition of the tool, meaning that it is still in development. Contacts Researchware Support for questions or to report any issues. |
Download the Concurrency Map Tool |
Coverage Map
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Coverage Map | Version: 1.1.2 |
Description: The Coverage Map analyzes the coding of your text sources. It determines how much of each source file has been coded. It also provides information on the density of coding as well as indicating gaps in coding. There are three main Code Map views: Code Positions, Code Coverage, and a Coverage Matrix. If you have current code and/or case filters applied, the Coverage Map will show only the subset of codes and cases filtered.
The Code Positions view displays a list of the codes for the currently selected source file. It also shows a graphical view of each code instance's position and the percentage coverage in the document of that code as a bar graph representing the percentage of the total document covered by all applications of that code to the current source file. The Code Coverage view displays a list of code positions (e.g. character reference "4760,5503") under the Codes tab. You can view uncoded areas under the Gaps tab. Clicking on a position will open the source and highlight the indicated position, letting you see the applied codes in context. The Coverage Map option shows total code coverage vs uncoded. The Heat Map option shows coding density, blending relative amounts of the map's set colors for "Coded" (default blue) and "Uncoded" (default grey) sections of the represented source file. Clicking on any point in either map will take you to that approximate position in the source file. The Coverage Matrix tab view shows a matrix of the percentage of the source files that each code covers for each source. Each source (column) can be sorted by coverage and row (code) subtotals, reflecting the percentage coverage for that code across all source, can be turned on or off |
Download the Coverage Map Tool |